The Fitter, Happier UnLibrarian's Blog of Young Adult Books

by Megan DeTour
LIBR 265-10 Materials for Young Adults
Spring 2009, Professor Wrenn-Estes
Master of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University, California

Extras by Scott Westerfeld

Extras by Scott Westerfeld

By: Scott Westerfeld
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Publish Date: October 2007
ISBN: 1416951172
Page #: 432pp
Reading Level: Young Adult
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Science Fiction

Series Title: Uglies Series

Uglies (2005)
Pretties (2005)
Specials (2007)
Extras (2007)

Subjects: Dystopia, Friendship, Plastic Surgery, Popularity.


Aya Fuse is a kicker in her city, where everyone has a feed (similar to social networking).In order for her to enhance her popularity and status she must kick an unbelievable story. Aya attempts to track a group of girls who are doing daring and adventurous things, so she can kick their story, but in the process discovers a dangerous secret.


This is a companion book the Uglies trilogy. Instead of following Tally Youngblood we follow Aya Fuse. Even though Tally is no longer the main character, she still appears in the book in a major role. Ava is a normal fifteen year old “Ugly” who’s face rank is extremely low, making her an “Extra.” Your face-rank allows you to do and have the most exciting things. Ava is set out to be a part of that and her way to fame as a kicker, someone who finds and reports on the best stories in their world. As she sets out to this, she finds herself meeting a group of girls who want to remain under the radar and the adventure begins leading her all the way to Ms. Tally Youngblood.

Megan says:

Extras is not really a fourth book to the Uglies Series, but it is an extension of the story and therefore worth reading. Especially due to the fact that Tally Youngblood makes an ever so famous appearance! Teens who couldn't get enough of the Uglies MUST read Extras!

Stars: ★ ★ ★ ★

Scott Westerfeld Website
Scott Westerfeld Blog
Scott Westerfeld on Extras