The Fitter, Happier UnLibrarian's Blog of Young Adult Books

by Megan DeTour
LIBR 265-10 Materials for Young Adults
Spring 2009, Professor Wrenn-Estes
Master of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University, California

Uglies by Scott Weaterfeld

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group
Publish Date: February 2005
ISBN: 0689865384
Page #: 448pp
Reading Level: Young Adult
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Science Fiction/Supernatural

Series: The Uglies Trilogy
Uglies (2005)
Pretties (2005)
Specials (2006)

Subjects: Dystopia, Friendship, Futuristic, Plastic Surgery, Teenager


Tally Youngblood is counting down the days till her sixteenth birthday as that marks the day she will finally become a Pretty. That is until she meets someone who may change her mind.


The Uglies is a series set in a future post-scarcity dystopian world in which everyone is turned "Pretty" after being an “Ugly.” We begin with our protagonist, Tally Youngblood who is counting down the days till her sixteenth birthday so she can become a “Pretty.” While waiting for her birthday, Tally meets another ugly, Shay, who happens to share her birthday. As they wait together, Tally discovers Shay does not want to turn “Pretty,” in fact Shay has a contact, David, who resides in a rebellious world that doesn’t involve operations. Tally is forced to contemplate her friendships and her beliefs.

Megan says:

Once you get past the cat vomit skies, the story takes you on a ride through the dystopian world where Tally Youngblood lives. Issues of beauty and rebellion are weaved into the storyline, allowing teens to contemplate on the norms society places upon us. This is a fasinating series that offers a companion novel, Extras as well as a fun guide, Bogus to Bubbly: An Insider's Guide to the World Uglies.

Stars: ★ ★ ★ ★