The Fitter, Happier UnLibrarian's Blog of Young Adult Books

by Megan DeTour
LIBR 265-10 Materials for Young Adults
Spring 2009, Professor Wrenn-Estes
Master of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University, California

Zombie Blondes by Brian James

Zombie Blondes by Brian James

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publish Date: June 2008
Page #: 240pp
Reading Level: Young Adult
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Paranormal

Subjects: Cheerleading, Family, Fathers-Daughters, Fitting-In, High School, Popularity, Zombies

They’re beautiful. They’re popular. They’re dead. . . .From the moment Hannah Sanders arrived in town, she felt there was something wrong. On her first day of classes, she ran into a group of blonde cheerleaders—the most popular girls in school who are all dead. If Hannah doesn’t watch her back, she’s going to be blonde and popular and dead just like all the other zombies in this town. . . .


Hannah Saunders and her father have just moved to a new town, again. They seem to always be moving whenever financial situations arise and/or people from the past track them down. Instead of dealing with the issues at hand her father chooses to move, running away from it all. However, Hannah’s father promises that Maplecrest, Vermont is going to be different. From the moment they arrived in Maplecrest Hannah wanted to leave. All the "For Sale" signs on all of the homes and the half empty town felt eerie and like a ghost town, which gives Hannah the creeps. As she begins her first day at school she notices the perfect blonde cheerleaders, who happen to be the popular girls. Hannah has always wanted to fit in and be popular, but these girls are not alive, they are dead.

Megan says:

Brian James has written an exciting horror novel set in an everyday teen setting – high school. What could be more horrifying? This enjoyable, light thriller humorously imitates both cheerleader and zombie stereotypes while addressing more serious issues such as social conformity. I found Zombie Blondes to show the real-life aspects of high school and family dynamics and just how easily it is to lose one's self in the relentless drive to achieve popularity. If anything teens will be entertained by this story.