The Fitter, Happier UnLibrarian's Blog of Young Adult Books

by Megan DeTour
LIBR 265-10 Materials for Young Adults
Spring 2009, Professor Wrenn-Estes
Master of Library & Information Science
San Jose State University, California

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

Publisher: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated
Publish Date: September 2006
Page #: 312pp
Reading Level: Young Adult
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror

Subjects: Horror, New York City, Parasites, Romance, Vampires


Moving to New York City to go to school has been quite an eye-opener and life-changing experience for Nineteen-year-old Cal Thompson who soon after his arrival becomes infected with a parasite that causes vampirism.


Cal Thompson is a peep (parasite positive) but he not like the rest in that instead of losing his mind in a vampire sort of way like the rest of the peeps he has maintained his sanity. Therefore, he feels obliged to hunt down the women he has infected as well as the one who infected him as the parasites pass through saliva; meaning kissing is enough to transfer the disease. But soon, he’ll realize that something is going very wrong…

Megan says:

Scott Westerfeld fans will be pleasantly surprised with his take on "vampire" fiction. This novel keeps the reader interested with humor, storyline and the factual information mainly on parasites, which is both fascinating and disgusting (in my honest opinion). The author includes a bibliography at the end for those interested in reading more about parasites and their necessity in the world. Truly an excellent read!

Stars: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★